Fire with Black Smoke
Fire with Black Smoke is perfect for battlefields, war zones, car crashes, downed airplanes, burning buildings - anywhere you want bright flames and heavy black smoke. The smoke responds to wind, so you get a realistic look that isn't static.
The fire and smoke are two scripted spheres linked together. Make as many copies as you like and you can unlink the spheres and copy them individually, so you can have multiple flames with a single smoke plume. You can also make the spheres transparent/change the color if you wish. Helpful Hint: If you make the spheres transparent, then can't find them, hit CTRL + ALT + T and all transparent objects will turn red.
*Please note: The scripts have been deleted from the spheres to prevent lag. You're not purchasing scripts, you're purchasing scripted objects. Also note that the truck doesn't come with the purchase - you have to set your own stuff on fire.
- Heavy Black Smoke
- Large Flames
- Make As Many Copies As You Like