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Floppy Ears AO

Floppy Ears AO

This Long Lop Bunny Ears, Tail, and AO Bundle features 70 animations including 18 Stands, 5 Walks, and 4 Ground Sits.

It supports every Avatar Animation State with the addition of Speech, Dancing, and Swimming!

By combining the animations of your Ears, Tail, and Avatar into one synced motion, a greater level of Avatar to Attachment interaction is made possible.

Compatibility with Other Products Not Guaranteed unless Specified Otherwise.

This product includes three Animesh sizes which can be positioned and rotated, but not scaled.

It also includes a Bento version which cannot be positioned, rotated, or scaled.

All versions feature a limited amount of adjustment via the AO HUD's animation driven adjustment system.

Included in the Texture HUD are Four tintable Ear and Tail Textures along with a Bump Texture option for each.

Both the Ears and the Tail can have their Inner and Outer areas customized separately!

Also includes a link to files which can be used to make your own textures!

With our new Texture HUD and Applier system, Customization and Applier Creation has been made easier with no scripting or notecard editing necessary.

Modders who wish to support this product in their mods but do not want to use it personally, feel free to buy only the free demo which includes all that you need!

In this package you will get:

* Instruction Manual
* Scripting Documentation
* Floppy Ears Texture HUD
* Floppy Ears AO HUD
* Floppy Ears Texture Applier
* Animesh Floppy Ears
* Animesh Floppy Ears Large
* Animesh Floppy Ears Small
* Bento Floppy Ears
* Bento Bunny Tail

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In Love
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 19, 2024 by lchynaal

i love these ear there beyond adorable and not to hard to set up but i well say this for those who are new to mods please do not purchase mod items unless you know what your working with other then that this item is a great purchase ♥

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Hud sucks, lack of helpful info sucks too
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted March 17, 2024 by Nerxual Oh

The texture hud doesn't respond in the correct highlighted selections. So you gotta mod this entirely by hand.. Maybe the buttons are too close? I'm in my own home, scripts enabled. This texture hud just doesn't respond to individual texture faces at all. It colors, alphas and applies texture in one shot. Ignoring inner/outter ears selection. This was slightly frustrating to deal with on the demo, but that was a demo. I even mentioned it and said it was best to make your own texture for full version on these ears.

What gets me is I'm following what basic texture looks like. It looks like it's one whole texture right? Nope. Outter ears are different from the inner ones. So that's two different textures you gotta upload. Solid one for outter and transparent one for the inner ears. Didn't know that. Would've loved to be informed of such details in the notecards but it's not there. When it should be. Outter ears for those sharp edges you get, gotta used a saved PNG file for it and alpha mask that to 64. The inner ears use JPG. Inner ears don't use alpha blend/mask at all. Another thing that should've been mentioned.

I'm an experienced modder, I make my own textured skins. But if you do not know what you're doing, either you're new to Second Life or haven't been on in awhile. You're screwed unless you poke someone with experience to help you out. At least have the common courtesy to add a little extra in the notecard or make a 3rd one. Your hud doesn't even work the way it should. Maybe make a separate hud for that too?

One whole hud deals with the inner ears ONLY. Alpha, color, texture it. De-attach that and add the second hud. That will deal with the outter ears. Having it all together is not working as intended, when it screws with the entirety of the ears regardless.

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Cute and all I needed!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 31, 2023 by Jesiris

Best floppy ears!

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Absolutely amazing!!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 20, 2023 by blazlovich

a impossibly cute ao and ears

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Great AO / parts combination! Very happy. | Ground sit height adjust?
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 09, 2023 by Slade Mayo

Can i adjust the ground sit height at all? There's a big gap

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Good, but you practically have to use the animesh version.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 28, 2023 by Jeanne Starlight

The bento ears sadly don't really fit any look I tried it with, always floating, which meant I had to use the Animesh version(Which sadly is less than optimal for my looks :x).

Still, the ears are really nice, and I'm grateful for some that are actually big and floppy. Love the animations too.

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