The Force of Nature HUD
Multitudes of effect for those who wish to cast green magic, forest spells and life enchantments. Designed for Wood Wizards, Enchanted Elves, Frisky Faye, Docile Dryads, Wandering Witches, and of course the Diligent Druids who want stylish magic to back up their role play style.
Quick List of Features:
A total of 43 different effects!!!!!!!!!!
4 Weather Effects, 13 Druid Tools, 15 Different kinds of flower fields. 7 Attacks, a Camera Teleporter, Personal Hider, Feral Sense (Radar) and a Tagless Emoter.
Automatic update feature so you are sure to have the latest version.
Also comes with automatic self cleaning scripts so that you don't leave prims around after you leave an area.
WEATHER CONTROL (Top Left Blue liquid button)
Light Snow Fall: dusts the area with a magical snowfall. Particularly beautiful at night. Or for night clubs.
Heavy Rain Fall: Create a Down Pour of rain, Particles and sound effects.
Following Rain Cloud: Create a cloud of gloom which follows you about and rains on only you. Particularly good for your emo moments. The cloud gives additional instructions on rezing.
Ground Fog: causes a low fog over a large area.
DRUID TOOLS (Top Right Purple Button)
Mark Path: Will drop a green particle effect which will allow your friends to follow you... if you leave several as bread crumbs... they are one prim each. Note this is one of the only effects in the HUD that does not delete automatically when you leave the area... they will auto return with the timeout set for the sim.... the idea is that you are leaving something for people to follow (aka your not there). You can play with if for a bit and find many other applications of this ground effect.
Pool of Telling: Drops a magical fountain, that will tell you who is near and what they are doing.
Fairy Flower: Creates a little flower that will spawn fairy folk on touch... they wander around and look at people.
Fairy Troop 1,2,3: Three different types of trooping fairies that will float about and follow you as you move about.
Ghost Lights: Ghostly wisps which follow you about in your general area.... similar to the fairy troop effect.
Forest SFX: drops an invisible sound prim. Creates sounds that are appropriate for day or night in a forest.
Shoreline SFX: drops an invisible sound prim. Creates a simple lapping water sound effect appropriate for a shoreline of a lake or ocean.
Druid's Platform: A MEGA large platform only 5 prims. Three massive 40x40m areas set into a winding spiral of rock. Very impressive and effective for a building platform in theme.
Obfuscate Area: this drops a 10x10 cloaking field which will hide you, your prims and anything that is in a small radius around you EVEN your NAME TAG!!! Any prim that is smaller than the field will cloaked but any (prim) larger will be visible through it... meaning you can be easily overlooked. Be careful when using near trees with transparencies or SL water. When you first cast it and think it didn't work... try zooming your camera out and see what happens.
Enchanted Forest: Drops a beautiful Prim tree which will create several other trees about it. If you edit and move about the central tree the others will follow it until you commit the build by saying "save"
Restoration: Calls into being a rather ugly looking tree with restorative berries upon it. Anyone touching the tree will undeform an avatar. The undeform gesture is also provided with the hud as well.
FIELDS OF FLOWERS (Middle Left Yellow Button)
Create 15 different kinds of flowers. They will try to contour with the terrain. Generally they will effect a 40mx40m area but you can create more if you like. They work best on a flat or slightly hilly surface. Extreme terrain tends to get the flowers confused. I have found that if you drop several flowers in the same area you can have a variety of different effects.
Flowers included are:
Red Roses, White Roses, Larkspur, Long Dry Grass, Mint, Fantecy, Ferns, Gerber Daisies, Cat Tails, Crimson Delight, Evil Thickets, Windswept Grass, Tick Weed, White Tansy, Wicked Brambles.
PATH OF THE WIND (Middle Right Cloudy Grey button)
This will transport you with a rush of wind to where ever your camera is. Fun and fast way to get around. Occasionally you can transport yourself through barriers, but you have to have a bit of a run up before you can get into them (practice with it and you'll figure it out).
WRATH OF NATURE (Lower Left Blood Hued Button)
To top an attack Just touch the wraith button again and select end... this will cancel all active attacks in chat range.
Blown Away: A windstorm trap that can potentially whisk a person up into the stratosphere.... this is unpredictable and do
Not too bad, maybe a shade too pricey. Also, when I click on the attack button (bottom red ball) it makes hud hide constantly. I have to detach and reset hud and it will work sometimes, but then goes back to hide mode which is very annoying when trying to roleplay.
I love this. I impress my friends with it a lot. It's funny turning them into trees :)
*THE* HUD for a Dryad RPer: only 1 quibble... it's addictive! XD
Ok there are a few things about this HUD I need to point out.
1. Almost NOBODY has heard about it. I was in The Arcanum asking people and even ran into a magic collector who knew nothing about it. This is kind of good if you want to surprise people (muahah)
2. The Fog is just strange. You can hear the prims for it drop and if that wasn't enough, you can see them in the fog. Still, it's a cool effect.
3. The fields of flowers get a 3 rating for me, maybe a 4 because everyone so far has found it entertaining. The problem is the way it's done is with 2D effects, meaning that you drop about 100 flowers on the ground and one side always faces you..... noticeably.
4. The curses are awesome in my opinion, although not flashy or too interesting. I say they're great because if you want to annoy a griefer, these curses will do it. Imagine swarms of flies, fairies, a tree that warps you and a cage that paralyzes all following you around a sim..... even if you log out and in. I was told by a friend that it also makes it nearly impossible to teleport away.
5. The hiding feature is ok, it gets rid of your name tag but beware... it's easy to see that there is something there is your in front of trees, rocks or other landscape prims. It's cool though.
6. One of the highlights of this HUD has to be the Platform. It's a HUGE rezzable object that has two levels, AWESOME for building or just to impress people. Includes roots that wrap around the platform itself.
All being said, I give this HUD 4 stars for usefulness, uniqueness and creativity. It's not as good as Wishmaster, but it should work for you ;)
Great hud! I use this all the time. Has one of the best silent radars packed into it and the wind movement has been useful on more then one occasion.