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Fountain of Decay Outdoor Cemetery Decayed Halloween Decor

Fountain of Decay Outdoor Cemetery Decayed Halloween Decor

A lovely, but decaying, outdoor fountain that has been overtake by the fall season. Includes ravens which periodically scream their terrible noises and a fog emitter that can be turned off and on by the owner, by a simple touch or by speaking "fog on" or "fog off".

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Really cool for the price, high prim count.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted November 18, 2017 by AngelTheTickleSuccubus

A moment of silence please, for the dying prim count. . . . . No but seriously. This is a really great asset. it looks fantastic, I love the crows 'cawing' the mist is solid. It looks amazing. The downside is definitely that it has such a high prim count, but if you are ok with that, then this is a great object for you!

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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 06, 2012 by Davedawgg

Very High Quality for the price. I Love it. Fits my Halloween Play area perfectly. Details are great even a puddle of alge water in the top bowl the Cherub is holding (nice touch)

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