This is just a fun toy, it loops "Can't stop the rock... Can't stop the rock! Ya can't stop the rock..." Full permission, just something I got bored and made.
Please support , at least take a look at my other items for sale :)
Singularity HUD - Weapons, Utilities, Shield, Camera Sync, Deformer, Undeformer, Animation Player, Impulse Dash 2.0 and more!
Hot Tub 6 Couples Poses, 6 Single Poses, smooth movement for water lowering and raising. Custom animations, top quality craftsmanship.
Impulse Dash 2.1 - Speed booster activated HUD, best scripted one in SL
Diamond Dance HUD - Play animations from one HUD, add as many as you like!
I hid one of these in a sandbox
Annoying sound loop
Stupid sound loop is hardcoded into the NO-MOD script, meaning you can never disable the f*ckingly annoying sound from this thing. Perfect for a griefer. Fun? Maybe for the first 20 seconds.
5 stars because it's Fox Labs, and it FREE......
you can't go wrong \m/(>.<)\m/
Does exactly as it states it rolls and plays can't stop the rock! I used it at gathering recently were the silence and awkwardness became sureal. Once out everyone was hysterical...! Can become annoying after the novelty has worn off (took us about 3 hrs before that happened-what can I say we had a few adolesent hours!)