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Free Lifeguard Wearables

Free Lifeguard Wearables
Free Lifeguard Wearables
3 Reviews

This package is a gift to a world that has given me so much, in honor of Water Safety Week 2012. Nothing fancy -- just some free wearables (swimsuits, tanks, hoodies, sunglasses, white stuff on my nose) for all who appreciate water safety and the sport and calling of lifesaving. Includes Brent Linden's whistle and gesture.

A few tops contain quotations from the Hebrew and Christian scriptures ("Be clear-headed and watchful". "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart." "I will be with you, you will not drown." "I am with you and will watch over you." "I watch and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop.") I would welcome suggestions for similar inspirational mottoes from other faith traditions.

Most are full-perms or copy/transfer and I hope you will share them with your friends.

I'm seeking a scripter who can help me with a water-rescue HUD. Can anyone help me?

Any problems with delivery, contact Edd Thor.

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Useful !
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 05, 2022 by NighTime88

Okay it's not mesh and you can't modify most of the items of this package... But it's FREE and there is a LOT of parts in a LOT of different layers plus some accessories. I especially like the layers with only the lifeguard logo on it, easy to use with my own swimsuit (logo only jacket layer + shirt layer swimsuit for example). Thanks to the creator for this set !

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Information is wrong
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 12, 2016 by Loli Lusch

Items are either no copy or not transferable :-(

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L$ 0

Thor's Oak
Thor's Oak
Sold by: Edd Thor

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