A friend to talk to when yer all alone, or maybe a "friend" to place at your store or home to casually talk to and learn from visitors and you! This is an AI built inside a shell that has about 10 "faces" for you to choose from(how it will appear). Simply click on it, and it will give you a menu to check em out. Change yer mind at any time and choose a different one :) Up to you, but it will talk to and respond to anyone that speaks in the main chat in it's vicinity. DO be careful, it learns and starts to form sentences FROM what it learns. I have found it can be quite a riot sometimes hehe
PS - Yessssssss, if you CUSS around it, it WILL reapeat after you lol If it does learn a lil too much, reset scripts on it, and it will start fresh :D
BTW, it may take a little time for it to start saying things you have taught it, but rest assured, it WILL.
And remember, the more you teach it, the more hilarious it gets hehe
PPS - If you rename the BOTTOM prim(the invisible one), you will change his name from YOUR FRIEND to whatever you want his name to be(like fred)