This robot is a bit old, a bit beaten up, a bit rusted in spots, but he's still shiny, his eyes still glow redly, his chest beacon still glows brightly and his rocket-jets still fire up with a strong blue flame whenever he flies. He might not be the latest model, but he's still got plenty of service left in him. He just needs a chance!
When I first got on Second Life, I immediately started playing with the building tools and seeing what I could make. With the help of a good friend, Winter Ventura (who is responsible for my being on Second Life in the first place), I managed to figure out how to build a few things. I started making this robot my second day here, and have done a slight amount of re-working to correct some of my noobish blunders (and to take advantage of the new "Glow" feature), but for the most part it's still the same robot I made my second day on Second Life.
This robot is Mod/Copy, which means you can alter it to your heart's desire, and you can have as many copies in your inventory as you want.
Although it has "working" jets, this robot does NOT have a flight assist script. There are many common huds and attachments that have flight assists built in, and adding more flight assists will make your flying unstable and annoying. If you don't have a flight assist, there is a Ninja Flight Feather inside the robot's head which you may remove and attach if you need it.
See item in Second Life