Full Perm MI Indian Tent
Indian Tent with cushions textured and ready to use. This is one piece model. 6 LI only. Model is walk able,(you can walk in to it)
Unwrapped UV Map: Create your own style, easy texturing with your own fabric.
- Mesh Model
- Texture
- Shadow map
- UV map
- Normals map
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- Full Perm
- Textured and ready to use
- AO map, UV map, Normals map
- 6LI
I think this is adorable. I wish I would have read the details though because I wish it wasn't all one piece, but that isn't a big deal. I only wanted tent not the pillows. The only issue I have with it is that if you make the wood supports touch the ground the bottom rug goes into the ground.and if you don't they look like they are floating in the air. All in all is very nice.