[Full Perm] Staircase Builder Pack2 Version 3.2
![[Full Perm] Staircase Builder Pack2](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/8648658/view_large/Poster_01.jpg?1382949379)

Actual Price : L$1888
Full Perm Staircase Builder Pack
Please visit our Blog to see more clear picture http://monthly-new-item.blogspot.com/2013/10/full-perm-stair-case-builder-pack.html
#100% Mesh [Mesh viewer request]
#18 items- only 1 land Impacts each
#13 sample stair case [Very Low Impacts]
#All stair come with UV Bake Map.
[all in the each object content]
#multi Face selected.
you can change color,add texture ,transparency,
grow,bright,bump and shininess.
#Therms of use: For Full permission product.#
By purchasing product you agree to do not resell this Staircase as full perms,
you can use and sell them for your own creation. do not give it as full perms for free.
according with DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) any violation of these terms
will be considered an infringement of our copyrighted and intellectual materials and will be prosecuted.
in-world land mark
Finally somebody made staircases that I can use in my buildings! Thank you Karen!!!!!!
i can build up to high level
good builder kit . as last i finding this stair.
10 star.10 star