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[Full Perm] Street Lamp Poles pack version 1.0 Version 1.0

[Full Perm] Street Lamp Poles pack version 1.0

Japanese Old Street Lamp poles [ Full Perm Pack]

Price L$988

100% use mesh prim

# low prim and low LOD.

# lamp pole with power is 5 land impact

# lamp Pole without power is 2 land impact

# Manual setting= click the pole to ON/Off the light..

# Auto setting = it just follow the region setting,Auto ON at night and Auto Off when sun rise

# all come with the texture map,shadow and light beam map. all in the object content - full perm version for all map.

# Script only in Full version.

# for manual version , all the lamp poles is in a same channel .
that mean you switch on one lamp pole light other nearest lamp pole will light up .

# modify version . mean you only can resize and modify the texture because this is MESH prim product


1. Street Lamp Poles /cable [manual] = is Manual version =click the lamp pole to switch ON/Off the light.
2 lamp poles with power station = 5 land impact and 8 land impact
3 lamp poles without power station = 2 LI, 3 LI and 4 LI
2. Street Lamp Poles /cable [Auto] = Auto Version - just follow the region setting .
2 lamp poles with power station = 5 land impact and 8 land impact
3 lamp poles without power station = 2 LI, 3 LI and 4 LI
3. Cable .....you can resize how far the cable go [ max 64 meter] .it
only 1 land impact

4: read me [ note card]

please visit our Blog :- http://monthly-new-item.blogspot.my/2016/04/japanese-old-street-lamp-poles.html

Therms of use:
For Full permission product.
By purchasing product you agree to do not resell this Lamp Poles as full perms,
you can use and sell them for your own creation. do not give it as full perms for free.
according with DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) any violation of these terms
will be considered an infringement of our copyrighted and intellectual materials and will be prosecuted.

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