Martial Arts

Full Permission Martial Arts Hud!
Get the .bvh files at:
& List yourself as creator!
10 Motion Captured Martial Arts Animations
1. Empi 1
2. Empi 2
3. Bassai
4. Front kick
5. Gedanbarai
6. Heiansyodan
7. Mawashigeri
8. Oiduki
9. Syutouuke
10. Yokogeri
Animations that can be easily used via the hud, no poseballs or rezzing required!
Right click -> wear to use the hud.
Press the buttons to start the animations (you might need to double click sometimes).
No need to rezz poseballs or anything!
By Buying and Using this product you agree to the following conditions:
1. Do not resell as-is, use it in your own creations.
2. Do not resell full permission, either modify/copy or modify/transfer
Questions? Feel free to contact Trebbort subagja!
Check out our store for more full permission animations!
The .bvh files are available at for use in Second Life, or resale in other virtual worlds/sims
For more information on animations and how HUDs work and function visit our blog at!
View Video »- martial arts animations
- martial arts
- martial arts hud
- martial arts ao
- martial arts moves
good price
old animations tho. They´re nice and cool, some are a bit too fast, and I´d give a higher priority., The hud is mod so you can edit and use the animations for other poses and maybe add your animations.
Lustiger Hud
Ein sehr lustiger Hud, der überall verwendet werden kann, keine Poseballs erforderlich. man kann damit auch gute fotos machen. Ich liebe es wirklich.
L$ 122
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed