Full perm mesh papyrus roll and reading pose for builders.
1 prim land impact. 7 texturing surfaces.
- No refunds unless there's a problem with the product that a new revised copy won't fix.
-Absolutely no refunds on full perm products.
-Full perm items included CANNOT be re-sell or re-distribute (DO NOT give away copies) in any way, but ONLY as part of your NON-FULLPERM (never copy/transfer at the same time) creations.
-Cannot be sold for L$0 lindens.
-Product CAN NOT be used outside Second Life.
- Mesh
- Fullperm
- Pose included
For simple work this was great - I used it as an invite to my opening. Thank you!
I agree with the last review...
I changed the texture on the piece itself for the decorative ends. Then linked 2 cylinders with my own texture for the scroll's vertical paper ends. Then linked a flattened box with my own texture for the scroll body. Added a NC reader script, and it will work just fine for awesome projects. :) ...But yeah, I wish the very informative video would have matched the product... would have been nice to just change the faces without having to build and link. I am not that experienced of a builder and this was a great model, tho! :)
It's ok.
The way the texture faces are setup on the decorative end parts is not ideal - the cylinders only take one texture, but apply it to all sides so anything but very plain textures will make the edges look odd. Otherwise, for the price, it's decent.