GBBT floor tile Fast Food (with materials) Versão 2

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Modern cermic commercial flooring in 11 color variations. The source photo was by a traveling gnome of who is very fond of burritos. .

One bump map and one shine map included, they will fit all of the color textures. You will only be able to see bump and shine effects in advanced lighting on a materials enabled viewer.


Baroquen Ethic Building Textures are sold with the intent to be used on your personal and commercial projects.

They may not be sold or distributed as textures or as a stand alone texture file included in a larger package.

You may not retouch or digitally manipulate these textures with the intent of selling or distribution as a texture file or creating a new texture to sell or give away as a texture.

You may manipulate a texture for use on your personal or commercial project, as long as you do not sell or distribute the new texture derived from the original texture made by me as a texture file.

You may use these textures on other grids with the above restrictions.

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  • 512x512
  • guaranteed seamless
  • 1 bump
  • 1 shine
  • 11 color variations

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Lovely realistic looking tiles

Postado(s) 12/08/2020 por Amanda Dench 5 estrelas

Really chuffed with this and the materials do make them look really great. Thank you

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Postado(s) 12/06/2020 por littlenixie 5 estrelas

The materails really make these pop, I love them! <3

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Baroquen Ethic Building Textures
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Vendido por: Galactic Baroque
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  • 4.2 estrelas 5 Resenhas

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