The animesh easter wander bunny big and little is 22 li
Put on your land the animesh easter wander bunny. It will walking on your land randomize. This script work on the skyboxes and in the air too.
The script recognizes the land's border, and the bunny will turn back when it's on the border. You will not lose the animesh bunny.
The animesh bunny knows two animations: one of a stand and one of a walk animation.
The animesh big bunny is 206 cm hight, the little animesh bunny is 109 cm hight.
These bunnies are not companion, do not wear them.
If you have any question write me an IM or NC inworld.
Enjoy the wander animesh easter bunny!
.:GBH:. Galapagos Beach House Store owner
creator, modeler