- Animesh baby boy with clothes
- add on the booties Hud and choose the texture
- add on the jumper Hud and choose the texture
- add on the baby boy or take on your land or parcel
- touch the boy and hear the four toddleedoo sounds
- touch the boy and choose his animation in menu
- made in Blender/Avastar2.
- read the user instuction
- enjoy the 70 cm high animesh baby boy!
- If you have any question write me an IM, dont
wrong my store.:))
- The baby avatar making is very hard work, and I
love my costumers are satisfield always!
Come and see the baby boy inworld store!
You need the latest SL animesh or Fs animesh
viewer to the sight, without the animesh viewers the
animesh animated avartar are only static puppets
The baby girl and boy are group gift inworld store without clotes HUD and booties HUD!
Galapagos Beach House owner
Pretty decent for the price
I purchased this baby a while back, if I'm not mistaken this was probably the first animesh baby available in SL at the time. Okay let's get one thing out of the way, this is more of a "child" than a baby. The size of it would put it around 1 or 2 yrs of age. However at the time, this was the only one that I could find available and for the price, you couldn't beat it. I am very satisfied with my purchase, the creator was very helpful and kind with the support she offered.The pro's for this would be 1) Price (obviously) compare L$299 to L$3000 & L$4000 for others that have been released. 2) You could always use this later in family RP as your child ages. 3) It's pretty decent looking especially for the price. 4) I found the creator very supportive and friendly. Now for the con's 1) You are limited on the animations, unless there has been an update I am unaware of if. 2) If I recall, you are limited on the clothing, again that is unless there's an update. As I mentioned before overall I am satisfied with my purchase, and if you are looking for a cheaper alternative to the much high priced versions, I don't think you could go wrong with this one.