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GLEAM: Illuminate Eye Applier

GLEAM: Illuminate Eye Applier

The GLEAM Illuminate Eye applier is for use only with the Happy Paw Lionet head bento. Available at: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Paw-Lionet-head-bento/18359927

Product is an applier HUD with 12 eye color options - 7 solid color options and 5 "burst" color options. The Illuminate eye textures can be applied to any of the eye variant versions included with the Happy Paw Lionet head: flat eye, round pupil, or slit pupil. You must be wearing the mesh eye item, as the HUD will need to apply the textures to the mesh object. Textures can be applied to individual eyes by using the Eye L or Eye R buttons on the pop up menu, allowing you to mix and match colors, or you may texture both eyes simultaneously in one color by selecting the APPLY ALL button.

**25% Discount at In-world Store**

  • Texture Applier
  • Color Changing HUD