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GO-SCI Galaxy Class Warp Core

GO-SCI Galaxy Class Warp Core

This is an original mesh product created by GO-SCI, a division of GEL Products. If you see it sold as a mesh kit somewhere else please contact Gerritt Resident.

This is the finest warp core you will ever find. This all mesh warp core, standing at an impressive 15m 2-story high perfectly detailed with sound, animated LCARs and animated textures will be the focus of any engine room you build. This is custom built mesh from scratch-not from a kit-keeping the LI ultra low and allowing for high detail features such as baked shadows. Why pay hundreds for prim builds when you can have a low cost warp core complete for such a low LI!)

* All Mesh build with baked shadows an incredibly low 14 prims thats it for EVERYTHING!!!
* 2 story high build
* Procedure generated textures to provide mirroring and glow
* Mod/Copy-Add or edit the build for your environment -size it down to 1 story (approx 5 LI)
* Highly detailed build and attention to every detail and nuance
* Integratable with other GO-SCI Modules to build an entire ship

►Problem or Question?

Simply SEND AN IM OR A NOTECARD TO Gerritt Resident with the details of your Transaction order/Question.
I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible-usually within 24 hours.

Please DO NOT WRITE A REVIEW FOR A DELIVERY PROBLEM, this is absolutely not the right place for that !
Creators are not informed about the posted reviews.

►You love this product? Please, LEAVE A REVIEW and SUPPORT by *GEL*

Mesh by *GEL* © Design Copyright.

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  • LOW PE
  • Tintable
  • All Mesh
  • Mod/Copy
  • Includes sounds and animated textures