GPA Men's Waistcoat Outfit - Eggs and Flowers Print

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This combination of pieces ensures that you’re wearing a modest outfit for any professional occasion in Second Life. Included are the Men’s Shirt Formal in Purple Crocus, the Men's Neck Tie in Aqua Emerald Z, the Men's Waistcoat in the Eggs and Flowers print, and the Men’s Trousers in Purple Fuchsia with matching socks. These pieces can be mixed and matched with most of your other GPA clothing. Instructions are included to shorten layers, so the shirt can be made into short sleeves or a tank top, and the trousers can be made into shorts.

Non-mesh system layers fit every avatar, with no need for an alpha masking layer.System layers will now work with mesh avatars, too, thanks to BOM (Bakes On Mesh). This also results in lower lag. No rezzing needed to unpack, just ADD & touch the shopping bag.

Since 2016, Ghostraven Professional Attire (GPA) has offered business-like and professional clothing and accessories for educators and others in Second Life. We offer modest-looking system and prim clothing for ladies, gentlemen, and anyone in between. We specialize in human classic avatars. By using a classic avatar shape, and system and prim clothing, you can be the size and shape you want to be and still have clothes that fit you perfectly.

Non-mesh system layers fit every avatar, with no need for an alpha masking layer.System layers will now work with mesh avatars, too, thanks to BOM (Bakes On Mesh). This also results in lower lag. No rezzing needed to unpack, just ADD & touch the shopping bag.

Since 2016, Ghostraven Professional Attire (GPA) has offered business-like and professional clothing and accessories for educators and others in Second Life. We offer modest-looking system and prim clothing for ladies, gentlemen, and anyone in between. We specialize in human classic avatars. By using a classic avatar shape, and system and prim clothing, you can be the size and shape you want to be and still have clothes that fit you perfectly.

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  • Flattering, modest necklines
  • All pieces may be shortened
  • Low lag, fits every avatar without alpha layer
  • No rezzing needed to unpack, just ADD & touch



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Ghostraven Professional Attire and GPA Dinkies
Vendido por: Beth Ghostraven

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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