G&S Blacksmith Storage / Vendor Crates (x48) - Metal
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48x Labelled G&S Storage / Vendor Crates (1 prim each) for all G&S Blacksmith items.
Keep your inventory in order, use as vendor boxes to setup your market stall or set to give contents to group only/anyone in your kitchen or warehouse.
Mod/Copy Only.
Sold in-world for $L and G&S Coin and as single crates ($L only)
@ SLurl http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hunters%20XXIII/140/96/22
Includes FREE:
:: Multi-currency vendor scripts to sell your items for G&S Coins and/or $L.
:: Scripts for storage count & give to anyone or group only.
:: G&S Product List.
MP Main Store: Guardian de las Sombra [G&S]
- G&S Texture on all boxes
- A crate for all G&S produce, blacksmith & recipes
- Simple & oustanding G&S texture