*********Dual/Single SMP with Holsters & Rifle -SMG with Launcher*********
*-Two Weapons for one Price:
*-2 SMP copy
*-2 SMP Holsters copy
*-1 SMG copy
*-1 SMG Sling copy
* All With Resize
*Dual/Single SMP
*SMG include Grenade Launcher
* Draw/Sling per menu-SMP/SMG
*Velocity change: 50 - 200 +10 -10steps
* Sling Holsters
* Menu / Chat Control
*-Barrel Smoke
*-Muzzle Paticles
*-Scope on/off - SMP only on/off
*-Laser on/off - SMP
*-Silencer on/off -Whisper Mode
*-Custom Animations
*-6 Bullets
*-Realistic Sounds
* Whisper Mode - if select Silencer the MP fired without muzzle but with whisper sound..
* Scope Glow Effect SMP
* Support - By Questions or Problems please IM me .
*-High Firerate
All commands avaible per menu / chat control:
*Wear the SMP SlingLeft and Right.
*Wear the SMP Holsters Left and Right.
*Wear the SMG Rifle
*Wear the SMG Sling
-Help = give this Notecard
-Firemode = Auto - Semi Auto - Back
-Ammo = *Orbit -*Grenade - *Smoke - *Push - *Damage - *Training - Back
-Effects = on - off
-Velocity = 50 - 200 +10 -10
-Silencer = on - off * when -on- going in Whisper mode
-Laser = on - off
-Scope = on - off
-Reload = Reload the SMP
-Safe =Safe the SMP
-sling =Sling the SMP
*Chat Commands:SMP
Type in Chat "draw" to draw the weapon.
Type "sling" to sling the weapon.
Type "dual" to draw both weapons.
Type "single" to use one of 2 weapons.
Type "safe" to Engage the Saftey.
Type "nosafe" to Disengage the Saftey.
Type "help" to Get this Notecard,
* Bullets:
*Type "db" to Arm the Damage Bullet.
*Type "tb" to Arm the Training Bullet.
*Type"smb" to Arm the Smoke Bullet.
*Type "pb" to Arm the Push Bullet.
*Type "orb" to Arm the Orbit Bullet.
*Type "gb" to Arm the Grenade Bullet. Rifle go in mouselook and type -g- (Smoke,Fire,Radius 10m , Damage.
*By Default Velocity is Always set to 100
Velocity on this weapon is Adjustable...
simply type "vel.###" to adjust the velocity
e.g.: vel.80
type "las" to toggle the Laser. -SMP
type "sil" to toggle the Silencer.
type "scp" to toggle the Scope -SMP
Additional Note: The Weapon Saves Attachments when Sling , So no need to toggle the attachments every time you draw them.
All Commands Are Not case Sensitive meaning "DRaW or SlInG" would work fine.
Standard Specs:
Many Custom Animations Including draw/sling reload standing aiming
Custom Sounds
Can be Used in Single/Dual Mode.
2 High Detail MP1 Model along with Holsters That have the Ability to draw looks.
By problems with delivered please send me a Notecard or IM me.
For questions.too.
- Resize , Dual/Single Mode , Velocity Change ,
- Muzzel Flash , Whisper Mode , Effects on/off
- Barrel Smoke , Menu/Chat Control
- 6 Blulets
- Resize and many more..
here is a set of weapons did well. just what I needed. Needless to say, they work really well. I have hundreds of different weapons, but honestly, her stuff is really great. such a reasonable price, there is not even to ask if it's worth it. like everything that I bought from this store, has always been one step ahead of the others. perfect.