[GUARDIAN] Reptiles legs.
● Two styles included,lower leg and feet only. Feet ones can be worn with any pants. 2 different claws shapes.
● Texture dev kit with UV,AO,claws defuse.
( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3fux35sdr1awbt6vo4uej/h?rlkey=1t2lhlbo1992zh3xkbdjuwhe7&dl=0 )
●Fits Belleza Jake/isis/freya. Maitreya lara. (Unrigged version included)
Illustrated texrures not included!
these legs have great options and are a wonderful and unique shape not just for reptiles but for any sort of monster character. the included psd kit and textures are easy to mod and i was able to get a matching texture for my fursona going in just 15 minutes or so! they include an applier kit as well, so very modmaker friendly!
there are a few updates or slight alterations i would love to see on these legs, but i won't remove stars for it at all because they're already a perfect product. it should be noted that some of the fits roughly work with regalia, especially if you use cuff items to conceal seams, but i hope to see a proper regalia release sometime! (i'm aware it doesn't say regalia, i simply wished to try it!)
it should also be noted they're not BoM at all, which is a bit of a bummer when most mods are BoM-based nowadays, however they're still perfectly workable especially if you don't have any BoM items you want to wear on your feets, and easy to make match any pre-existing mod if you can make textures
all in all an amazing item that i hope picks up steam, and i'd love to see more updates on it in the future! it would be great if modders could make rigged additions like socks or rings for these, too!