Special Halloween Costume for Swimmers...
Mesh suit low-cost rendering.
Contains 6 different colors changeable by HUD.
Also an object that makes sound when you walk.
P.S: Avatar shape, skin, hair and clothes not included.
Added materials (Normal + Specular)
- A single mesh for the entire suit.
- Separate hud object for walking sound effects.
- Six different colors.
- Low-cost rendering.
As others have said, the recoloring by HUD doesn't appear to work. Fortunately, I don't care because I probably wouldn't have used any but the Natural color anyway. The HUD With Sound does play the Jaws theme sound when you walk around, however, and ...yeah, that's just funny.
For an off-beat novelty thing, I absolutely love this. Paired with my new "shark bite" bikini, I'll get more than my money's worth in attention and lols.
Awesome novelty outfit!
Tore down applauses with this at the latest beach party, some of the best 250L i've spent.
It was worth it to me ...
If you knew Ever Dreamscape you knew the terror of her delivering Evergrams in this shark suit and for that alone, I finally had to buy my own copy. No, the color cannot be changed via the HUD as advertised. Yes, an unadvertised giant shark head chair was included (I bought this 07/30/2014). L$250 in real world money is cheap but it was well worth the cost and more to remember Ever in this way.
Love it
Its got loads of character and its funny :) great mesh and awesome textures always makes a great joke :)
Good model, Cute - But buggy, and not size friendly... unless you're lucky
Overall, it's a cute thing, a very cute thing. I mean, really, it's a damned shark costume! One shark av + the costume = infinitely awesome! Major kudos to the creator for that, I'd give him 2 stars for that, plus one 'cause it looks funny on my av... in a good way, that is.
However, this product has several MAJOR flaws. The scripting is horrid. Horrid, horrid horrid. Can't say that enough. It is impossible to change colours on the costume at the moment, which is a major downfall - especially since it's one of the majorly advertised things for this. Another thing, is the sound hud. At least that half works - but the sound looping is just as bad. Unless you inch your way across to where you wanna go, the sound will overlap and it'll just be something ugly, instead of awesome.
If the creator fixes those script issues, and adds different size options, this would be an A+ product, but as it stands, it's a low C. Yoho, if you need someone to help you with the scripting, feel free to ask me, I'll be able to help. I want to see this product succeed.
Oh yea, and add an update script dude, unless you're going to have us pay for updates, which will bring ya down to 1 star >_>