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Gandalf Greyhame Avatar System - COMPLETE (BOXED)

Gandalf Greyhame Avatar System - COMPLETE (BOXED)

I am from the race of Istari (Wizards). I arrived in the north-west of ME after a thousand years of the the third age had passed. I wandered ME and learned much of its races and peoples. I unlike the other wizards, sent from Maia of Manwë and Varda, could not settle in one place. Radagast and Saruman however did settle. I obide by my duties to protect men, elevn folk and hobbits, and any other creed that is bound by the forces of good.

This Gandalf Avatar System Consists of:
Skin, Shape, Prim Hair, Eyes & Prim Beard
Highly Detailed Robes
Cloak (Sculpted & Flexi)
Spellfire Scripted Brown Staff w/ Lights & Fireballs
Brown Staff (unscripted)
Spellfire Scripted Glamdring One Handed Sword
Prim Boots
Sculptie Hat
Narya Ring

See item in Second Life
  • Detailed textures
  • Scripted for Spellfire
  • Sword and Staff
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sorry but not worth 100L$
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 23, 2013 by Martinek Martinsyde

I regret the money i paid for it.
The skin and clothing are ugly and not fitting, what more to say...

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not special. nocopy to expensive
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 31, 2010 by Sascha Davi

its nothing special and the nocopy was the most bad shopping i done everytime. i will never buy nocopy anymore

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