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Garurumon Mod Kit

Garurumon Mod Kit

EDIT: Price Reduced due to age C:

Garurumon Inspired mod kit for the Viss Bunny and Paws alpha head

Parts of this Mod are Mesh

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Garurumon! BlackGarurumon! And... Gururumon?
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 07, 2013 by Observation Arcana

I was really suprised today to see Garurumons, especially including Gururumon! Though.. Gururumon isn't black and white? Ah well, probably just different pictures doing different things, like purple numemon. This is a good modkit, though I don't really like the trend of 'use this body! No linden skin for you!' that modders have these days. Linden skins are nice! Although the big legs came grey, there was a texture with them to apply, though I kept to the bunny legs. Pink claws~!
It's a good mod, though kind of an impulse buy for me. Viss body only means I'm doomed to boobs >w>; Can't wait to see what other Digi-mods are going to come next! Hopefully some will have linden skin options? oxo;

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