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Giant Rat Avatar slx

Giant Rat Avatar slx

Giant Rat Avatar

av from traum with 100% sculpted prims with shadow baked textures.
a spezial animation hud
sits,walk, run, jump, fly, falling, fighting animations,
all in combination with sound and a DCS2 system.

WEAPON touch the weapon button in HUD and fight everytime with your Av with animation in combination.
hold the left mouse button + W,A,S,D,E or Arrow Keys

Feet comes
With Walksound
Without Walksound

chat sound with typing activated mouth: if you type in chat.

this animations comes from TRAUM.
if you have any questions pls feel free and let me know it

if im online <<< pls IM or NOTE
if im offline pls NOTE. (the IM goes many time lost)

Renn Yifu

and what your dream

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Holy Mole(rat)
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 28, 2011 by X3mBozzy Lavarock

Thats one scary bastard, but awesomely made. Detailed, and EXTREMELY LOW-PRIM. Doesn't have a gazillion gestures, but features all you really need.
I have been really surprised over the reactions from peeps around me. Very cool. respect to maker

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 14, 2009 by Ataiki Skizm

Ah, I reieved this rat, and its awesome, cool anims, awesome model, good work i recomend it ;]

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 12, 2009 by Paul Wardark

The animations are a LITTLE off, leaves something to be desired, and there aren't as many effects as I expected, but this is a very impressive avatar. Everywhere I go, people literally stop, turn, and stare.

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