Glamorous Goose 2.2
Grumman Goose Look type seaplane.
L 16m x W 20m x H 6m
people of the pilot + 3passenger.
-------Glamorous Goose Instructions------------------
controls to fly the plane. :)
Flight mode (ground, on water)
W or up arrow is to pitch down
S or down arrow is to pitch up
A or left arrow is to bank left (turn left)
D or right arrow is to bank right (turn right)
E or page up is to speed up
C or page down is to slow down
Voice Commands-----
g - Raise or lower the gear
c - toggle dynamic follow camera
help - Commands info
====ver.2.2 ====(auto update on rez time)
Fix permission only.
====ver.2.1 ====
Wave & EG Sound fix.
====ver.2.0 ====
1.New Script !
main script. change Lindens flight script base to Terra DIY Plane script base.
2.New cabin. +2passenger.
3. -1prim now 29prims
====ver.1.4 ====
1.New chat comands
Landing Gear Up/Down to chat say"g"
HUD(speed display) On/Off to chat say "h"
2.mono script ver with in.
3. -1prim now 30prims
adjust parameter
==== v1.2 ====
1.Acceleration, quantity of adjustment 1/5 on air,
2.When there is it in the sky(ground hight+15m). Even if speed falls, the airplane does not become the preparation for landing.
==== v1.1 ====
1.While boarding a plane to touch the tail wing in the rear to display the speed and altitude. touch again to Disappear.
2. Acceleration, deceleration to reduce the amount of velocity to make it easier to adjust.
3.when I got off plane on the ground, the wheels are included, Now keep state wheels to the spot.
Thx Michie Yokosuka
more info Visit My Shop (FYC Michie Island (198,141,22))
yeah it has a bit of a tough time crossing sim borders but if you stay around your place its fun to fly. AND IT'S FREE