G General



A new tool to move around in a sim, especially if you are not the owner (but useful to owners as well).

By means of this hud you can defeat those annoying landing points and go anywhere in the sim. Useful when you are shopping or exploring or just moving around.

From the creator of the Bump HUD a unique tool: there is nothing like this in SL.


You want to find quickly a rez parcel or a push parcel or any kind of parcel in a sim?

The sim settings don't let you jump around and keep sending you back to the landing point?

You tped to a sim and now you find yourself in a big ball with no exit?

You want to know all the infos about the parcel you are in? Or about a parcel your looking at? Or about the region?

You want to zoom easily on your friends in the sim?

The Go! HUD is the answer. This HUD makes possible to move freely in a sim, to collect info on the parcel flags, to focus your cam on your friends, to go to any position in the sim just with 1 click.

Four buttons

scan: this is a radar but also a mean to get info on the sim.
Using this button you can find any type of parcel in the sim and go there.

zoom: your camera will zoom in on any avi in the sim (within your draw distance and in parcels which allow avatars visibility).

goto: using this button you can beat the fixed landing points. You can go in one jump to any position or to any avatar in the sim within 2000 meters.

off: close the HUD

NOTE: This HUD can't be used to trespass in areas where you are not permitted.

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10 stars {**********}
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 24, 2024 by RobKast

Used it for years

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 17, 2019 by ESSY Luv

I luv this creator ... everything works like magick.

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Extremely Worth While
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 25, 2018 by ChoiceRider

If only for the "goto" > "Cam pos"
I explore only with my cam view, and when the sim won't let me tp to where my cam view is, that's a pain. This device defeats that problem. And for just L$1 ?!?! Sooo cool. 5 stars and many thanks!

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A Must Have Hud For Second Life
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 29, 2015 by Nl66AxIMVU

if you are new or even have played for years get this hud it will help you explore all of second life and even find friends in a crownd love it .......

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love it
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 08, 2015 by Idaros

love it

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Ulrico Hax is the very BEST scripter in entire Second life
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 25, 2014 by Insane Emerald

Ulrico, I appreciate your work and kindness, to sell this amasing hud for just 1 linden ! I love your work and I truly hope that you will make more amasing tools / huds in the future. Thanx man :) YOU'RE THE BEST !!!

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