This Gothic home has a tint system to control the transparency of the walls, set them so you can see in or out or both. Doors on the first floor swing and the ones on the balcony above slide, both sets are lockable. The home has some nice details to it and still remains relatively low prim.
Comes packaged in a rez-faux box for easy setup. 133 prim, 25x25 meter footprint. Front steps can be easily removed. Also has a fireplace on each floor.
The teleport system includes security functions that are explained in the note card, and will tp you to each floor plus two different roof areas.
There is also a version in purple trim. Check my other offerings to see the purple one.
copy mod no transfer
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Also works nice as a skybox.
- Gothic house midnight red
Very roomy, lovely textures. I love how one can change the colors of the walls and make them look like walls from the outside and windows from within. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC for the prims and easy to make personal. :D