Angel's Flight wings are designed to flap upon hovering and flying upward, but will open fully for soaring in flight and descending. They can also furl and unfurl (open) on command with ambient flapping sound. In addition, you can 'tuck' them fully away so that they are not visible at all unless you wish them to appear.
The Grey Striped Falcon is our premier model and appears a medium grey color.
Your wings may be attached on the shoulders or, alternately, on the pecs. Attaching them on the pecs will free up those valuable shoulder areas which are used by some outfits and for furry avatars who need the shoulders to complete their 'look'.
You will receive one pair for the shoulders and another for the pecs - this way you'll be able to switch them as needed.
To unfurl (open) your wings:
/18open or /18 open
To furl (fold) your wings:
/18fold or /18 fold
To tuck them away invisibly:
/18hide or /18 hide
-note: in hiding them, the wings will first open fully, then fold back and disappear. I've done this in the past as I felt it would make more sense. Personally, when I make them reappear, I would open then fold them, but I leave it to you to use them as you feel best.
Angel's Flight wings come in 3 sizes depending on the size of your avatar:
Large for larger avi's; Medium for medium-sized (female) avi's; and small for smaller avi's
For your convenience, I've also included a Flight Feather for you to attach to your HUD so you can overcome that pesky 200m height limit when flying ;)
Should you have any questions or have a problem with your wings, please send a notecard with your purchase number to Taltos Luxor.
Other products will be coming soon, please check back frequently.
Thank you again for shopping with Angel's Flight - the Heavens await you!
- Open/Fold/Hide capability
- Ambiant flapping sound
- Flaps when hovering and ascending