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Green "Rith" Furry Mod

Green "Rith" Furry Mod

This is a mod for the Orange Nova Bifrost Bunny avatar. Meaning this is only a texture!!

The body skin is for the female Bifrost Bunny Digigrade body.

The ear texture is for the ears linked here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MESH-Big-Ears-BOX/3745952

and the Tail seen in the picture is here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MT-Customizable-Tail/3922750

For texturing the tail I would suggest marking the "edit linked" box in the top section of the edit window so you can edit the fur layer by layer.

If you wish to know what else is seen in the pictures I would be more than happy to tell you, just toss me an IM <3

  • Female Texture For Bifrost Bunny Body
  • Texture For Big Ears
  • Texture For Eyes