FULL PERM TEXTURE - 10 linden only
Only the avatar who has purchased (or one who has received as a gift) can use this template.
The transfer of original textures or the TGA for other avatars is prohibited.
You can resell these textures ONLY ON CLOTHES but not resale or redistribution as texture file.
The templates textures can not be resold as full permissions.
The template textures can not be redistributed, shared or sold in any format.
The clothes made from our template textures can not be sold full permissions.
- Set permission to one of these :
Copy / No modify /No transfer
Modify / No Copy / No transfer
Copy / Modify / No transfer
Modify / Transfer / No copy
The clothing made from these templates cannot be sold or given away in any freebie store.
These textures are for use in Second Life only.
No refunds because is full perms.
Violation of conditions will force us to lodge a DMCA notice on you.
You agree to the above terms as soon as you accept delivery of a product from us. Any violation will be Reported and Dealt with accordingly.
Rain Lyvingstone
See item in Second Life