Guardian robot
Guardian robot
2017 mesh art work
1.813 X 1.192 X 0.835 meters surface
1.2 download
0.4 physic
0.5 server
892 display
1 prim land impact
Copy and mod.
3 textures diffuse, Bumpiness (normal), Shininess (specular) 51/50
Mode ultra viewer
Available to see inworld in main shop. Accessories holo rezzer
1. We are not responsible for the smooth running of the object if the customer makes any changes.
2. We recommend these high-quality objects using high performance viewers. (ultra).
3. Modifying the following parameter:
Advanced/Show Debug Settings/RenderVolumeLODFactor, value at least 3.000
Guardian robot by FabianvanDorst is licensed under CC Attribution
See item in Second LifeJust what i needed.
I was looking for a sort of Drone that could work as a sort of deployable turret, and this is pretty much perfect.
It's best to turn off the Alpha mode just so it's got a more solid look, as the default has a sort of see through clipping. But it's not an issue at all once the Alpha is off.