Guilded Chat Relay + Guilded Server Joiner: Send chat to for fun, homes, clubs, meetings & shops @ Guilded Version 3.00.09 (2024-02-11)

This little tool relays open chat to a Guilded channel on a server. it is one-way only, from SL to Guilded. The chat appears in Guilded with the display name and profile picture of the avatar attached. It doubles as a Guilded Server Joiner / Server Invite, so you can have your users join your Guilded server easily.
How does it work?
The relay is chat activated, like your smartphone with "Hey Siri" or "Okay Google". Once you write the command - the default is "oi guilded" - open chat is transmitted to Guilded.
It transmits a maximum of 100 lines of text for a maximum of 20 minutes. Both values are configurable, the default is 5 lines of text within 60 seconds. The maximum limit is deliberate in order to avoid the object to siphon open chat indefinitely. Please contact me if you need a version without limits.
Once activated, the relay announces the relaying in open chat, indicating for how many lines of chat and for how long it relays. This gives avatars present enough warning to shut up if they don't want their chat relayed. Consequently, the relay also announces when it stops relaying. It only relays actual avatar chat and ignores objects. The chat appears in Guilded using the display name and profile picture of the avatar.
Is this allowed?
To the best of my knowledge, I can confirm that this system operates fully within Second Life's Terms of Service (ToS) and Community Standards. The transmission is announced openly, is limited in scope and shuts itself - with an announcement again - down. It therefore follows the requirements of the Community Standards and should not find you in violation of the ToS.
The Mesh object
The mesh objects is an original design, explicitly made for this product and optimized for SL. It is superior to all other mesh logos you can currently find on the Marketplace, so there is no need to pay extra or go with a substandard solution.
Other features
If an avatar touches the object, they get an instant message telling them how to activate the object.
If an avatar touches the object, the device can act as a Guilded Server Joiner / Guilded Server Inviter, giving the avatar the URL to join the Guilded server. Within Guilded, you can create an invite URL (attention: by default it is only valid one day - you need to actively change that) for any channel on your server.
If someone in open chat mentions Guilded in a sentence - not the trigger phrase - the object advertises itself. I am unsure about this feature and might take it out or make it configurable in a future version.
The relay reports region restarts to the designated channel. It uses a map-view of the sim as icon for those purposes.
From version 1.5 on, the Relay's functionality can be extended by drop-in scripts. Not everybody needs all the functions I get asked to develop or come up with myself, so I decided for this approach. Available extensions are listed as "Related Items" under this listing.
Those drop-in scripts have been developed for the Discord version of the relay. However, due to the nature of how my scripts are built, you can also use them with the Relay with no - or little - changes to the output.
Known Issues & Limitations
Please be aware that this is a one-way-chat only, from SL to Guilded. Two-way chat would need to have a server object outside of SL - which would incur not only a massive deal of development but would also incur running costs and create security and privacy issues. If you require two-way-communication, you might want to investigate into SL-Bots.
Version history (abbreviated)
2.04.03 2021-12-19 First public release, version number in sync with Relay
2.04.04 2022-01-23 Fixed unixtime to SLT conversion, fixed sim restart logic
2.05.01 2022-06-29 Added support for translator HUD's
2.05.02 2022-07-06 Fixed a memory hole during reading of long config notecards
3.00.03 2023-04-16 Completely rewritten configuration, new avatar profile pics, improved memory handling
3.00.05 2023-05-18 Additional functionality for add-on scripts
3.00.07 2023-07-10 Refactored Initialization
3.00.09 2024-02-11 Silent setting for region restarts
- Send open chat to
- GuildedServer Joiner functionality
- Reports region restarts to Guilded
- Guilded chat with support for translator- and naming HUD's
- Can be extended by many add-on scripts for Guilded
IT works flawlessly
Guilded is a cool free discord alternative and this app turns it into a really great land tool for you i have this relay working as a land status reporter something happens i will get a message in guilded some one has a question it takes a message even on my phone app which is very handy as i am often afk. and it can hand out an invite to my server. so my land users can get up to the minute info. and the setup is easy peachy. :) and the customer service is top notch and fast.