G General

!!!HB Hospital!!!

!!!HB Hospital!!!

LOW PRIM hospital building

building alone is 50 prim
with waiting room chairs 62

  • !!!HB Hospital!!!
  • waiting room chairs
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Defective product, seller unresponsive
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 24, 2021 by artifactsofmars Omegaman

There are two big problems with this hospital. The floor has huge streaks on it. You could put a prim with your own texture over the floor.
The second problem is that the doors give you only a small fraction of a second to go through before they close. This item is not modifiable so I cannot use any of my skills to fix the doors.
I set it up on one of my movie sets and requested that the seller fix the problem, but I got no response. The seller was given days to address the issue.

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