:: H I D D E N ::
Welcome on the ride!
Here some infos about your CONEX Lights :
C|M|nT | Full Material | Mix‘n‘match | 3 Lamp Shapes
animated lights | 3 Animation modes
2-4 Li | Resizing might change the LI
:: D E T A I L E D I N F O ::
< ONE HUD FOR ALL :: Manny more Products are in planing to interact with the same HUD; Means to control your light you don't have to use 20 different HUDs. Open one, press the Button on top called 'ALL PRODUCTS' and there you can change all lights in once. >
< RANGE CONTROL :: Change the wall directly in front of you, or all at maximum distance - you have control. >
< ANIMATED LIGHT MODI :: Customize your HIDDEN products to suit your mood. Choose one of three light modes - let the light wander, blink or smoothly change the color.
< GLOW CONTROL :: You don't like glow? More? Extreme? - Change the Glow seamlessly via the HUD >
< MATERIAL ENABLED :: All my Products use HD textures with normal and specular maps. That gives product surface bumps, depths and shine effect responding to your windlight settings. Please make sure you have advance lighting model option turned on in your viewers preferences for the best look.>
< CUSTOM :: Color/ light/ small style changes to fit your building perfectly? - Send us a message. We are open for custom work. >
< FLICKR GROUP :: Show us what you built with it and share your photo in the HIDDEN Flickr :: https://www.flickr.com/groups/hiddengroup/ >
:: CONTACT US :: https://hidden3d.carrd.co/
< If you have some questions, write us on Discord or FB :P >
Your HIDDEN Team \♥/
:: FAQ || TIPS ::
< If you want slightly changes on the product, to fit your build the best;
We are open for custom requests. But WTH 6188 possible combos aren't enough? x') >
< For the best look we recommend to turn on your advanced lightening & adding
some lights. >
< Everything is unlinkable as long the ROOT (yellow outline) stays the same. >
< Use "ALL PRODUCTS" for changing the Light Modes and Glow to all compatible
HIDDEN products the same time >
< More FAQ soon ♥ >
:: CONTACT US :: https://hidden3d.carrd.co/
:: SHARE YOUR HIDDEN CREATION :: https://www.flickr.com/groups/hiddengroup
- Full Material
- animated lights
- 3 Animation Modes
- 3 Lamp shapes
- 2-4 Li