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HS Sith Infiltrator - boxed

HS Sith Infiltrator - boxed

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* Folding wings (landing and flight position)
* Opening door
* Retracting land gear
* Hover and flight mode
* Glow effect on engines
* Custom sounds
* Callahan Combat Control vehicle combat system equipped*
* Can rez a working Sith Speeder and a Sith Probe Droid


start or power up - Starts up the jet after you get in (gives you controls, makes noises, etc)

stop or power down - Releases the controls and turns off physics.

h or hover - Puts the Infiltrator in to hover mode.

f or flight - Puts the Infiltrator in to flight mode.

ccc on - Turns on Callahan Combat System*.

ccc off - Turns off Callahan Combat System*.

eject - Unsits and pushes the pilot out of the Infiltrator.


gup - Puts the wings in to flight position and raises the landing gear

gdn - Puts the wings in to landing position and lowers the landing gear

open - Opens the door

close - Closes the door

Touch the Infiltrator to get a Menu for rezzing the speeder and/or the probe droid


In Hover Mode:
UP ARROW or W - moves forward.
DOWN ARROW or S - moves backward.
LEFT ARROW or A - turns left.
RIGHT ARROW or D - turns right.
SHIFT LEFT ARROW or SHIFT A - moves left.
SHIFT RIGHT ARROW or SHIFT D - moves right.
PAGE UP or E - moves up.
PAGE DOWN or C - moves down.

In Flight Mode:
UP ARROW or W - pushes the nose down (forward on the stick).
DOWN ARROW or S - pushes the nose up (pull back on the stick).
LEFT ARROW or A - rolls left.
RIGHT ARROW or D - rolls right.
SHIFT LEFT ARROW or SHIFT A - currently does nothing.
SHIFT RIGHT ARROW or SHIFT D - currently does nothing.
PAGE UP or E - increases the throttle by 10%.
PAGE DOWN or C - decreases the throttle by 10%.

Flight Only COMMANDS (things spoken in chat):
r - puts the throttle in reverse.


* Don't wear it!!!

* Be sure to make a backup copy of the Infiltrator in your inventory.

*Callahan Combat Control vehicle combat system by Jillian Callahan

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 12, 2008 by Ben Enzo

This is my most used ship 'sides the Slave I. The probe droid rules, but the speeder seems to be a bit buggy. It should have an interior.

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