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Halloween Impact Shockers Pack 2 (x3)

Halloween Impact Shockers Pack 2 (x3)

Halloween Impact Particle Rezzers (Shockers) Pack 2

Thank you for buying / looking at this little build which I hope will enhance your Second Life experience.

These builds are designed to give a sudden fright to an avatar that walks into them. There are three versions each with a different main texture that gradually grows to approximately 4m square * over a period of about 30 seconds. The 3 main textures are a Frankenstein, Cloak Ghost and Clown (as on the box).

After being triggered there is a flurry of bat particles emitted from the prims with a bat squawking sound. These die away as the main texture appears to the accompaniment of an evil laugh (different for each build). This texture gradually grows & then fades whilst a haunting background sound plays.

All you need do is drag one from your inventory and place it where you want it.

Preloading textures are built into each of these builds to help speed up rezzing speeds. **

Enjoy your SLing and have a great SLife,

Aragon Sommer

Stats of this build:

Copy - Yes Modify - No Transfer - No

4m x 4m x4m (Non-phantom invisible cubes that go phantom when an avatar walks into them thus triggering the script)

Component parts:

1 x Halloween Frankenstein Attack 2 prims
1 x Halloween Cloak Ghost Attack 2 prims
1 x Halloween Clown Attack 2 prims

* All measurements approximate
** Please note, different script times causing varing amounts of lag on any one sim may affect the speed of rezzing

  • Designed to shock visitors to your haunted events/builds
  • On impact rezzes bat particles followed by 1 of 3 main textures
  • Has bat sounds along with 3 different evil laughs
  • Main textures are Frankenstein, Cloak Ghost & Clown
  • Preloader built in to help speed up texture rezzing