Highly detailed, low land impact planter updated with a resizer. These are suitable for indoor or outdoor use. See my store here for other plant and planter varieties.
Please contact me directly if you encounter any problem with any of my products. You will receive a response within 24 hours. Notecards are preferred because my ims cap. Happy customers are my primary goal.
Photos: All photos are shot using default sun at midday. The cover photo was shot at Ultra graphics. The porch photos were shot at Mid level graphics. LOD on all photos is set at 3.00. Plant detail does not change much. The difference in your graphics ability will show these differences. My antique mac will not sustain Ultra for long without a freeze and crash, so all my builds take older graphics into consideration. But they are tested at Ultra so they will provide you with the quality product you expect. You do need a mesh enabled viewer. Resizer instructions are included. All plants are copyable, so if you screw up, delete it and start over.
Accents Design has been providing low prim, low cost builds since 2009. I also provide land and interior design services to help you beautify your home, from small parcel to full sim. Personal shopping services also available. Visit my flickr page > albums to see some of my home and land builds. https://www.flickr.com/photos/accentsdesignsl/albums
Cynianne Hellershanks
Accents Design
It is lovely, but was too big & no modify, seemed unlikely I will be able to use as I planned. However
after my Two star review, the creator added a resizer & sent me a corrected version, saying I should have contacted her before a bad review. Since I wont likely get a 50% refund for my part as a designer in her work, I will make it Three stars. However if it had been modifiable in the 1st place, I would have done my own resizing & given it Five stars to begin with.