G General

Hanging pants 002

Hanging pants 002

Full Perm Hanging pants with hanger - 100% mesh - Building Components

Land Impact - 1
Prims - 2 (pants and hanger)
Texturing Surfaces - 3

Package Contains:
- Model
- 3 Textures

You can't:

- Give away or sell this object as full permissions.
- Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
- Distribute this product as part of a freebie.
- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life.

This item is not to be sold, or given away, as is. You must include it as part of your buildings, or change the look in a noticable manner.

Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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  • 1 star:
Not great
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 08, 2021 by Eliwood407

The best part of this is the clothing hangar, and that even isn't great.
May be an old product, but I should have looked closer at the photos.
The pants are like a wooden board, straight edges as if some one cut pants shape out of cardboard. It would work if you have a cluttered wardrobe with plenty of things to distract you from this, but generally a no for me :(

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