You NEED a Mesh compatible Viewer to see the dresses in their correct shape.
Rigged Mesh tube dress.
The Tube Dress::
--- texturable per HUD ---
*Combine different colors/shades to create a unique look.
*Single Pack "Plain" includes 10 colors
*All Colors Pack "Plain" includes 30 colors
*Single Pack "Warrior" includes 2 colors in clean, bloody, dirty and bloody+dirty version
--- modifiable (not resizeable) ---
This product includes:
- 18 rigged Mesh dresses (6 sizes + 3 breast/butt sizes for each size=18 sizes)
- 6 Alpha Masks
- 1 Tube Dress HUD
- a helpful notecard
The dresses and the alpha masks are "modify".
All scripts and the HUD are "no modify".
Everything is "copy" and "no transfer".
Rigged Mesh
These dresses are made as Mesh object, so you need a Mesh enabled viewer.
These dresses are also rigged to your avatar. This means, dress and avatar are connected and the dress can not be resized nor repostioned. They will adapt to your body but not to all shape sliders. Body Fat, Muscles, Breast Size, Breast Buoyancy, Breast Cleavage, Love Handles, Belly Size, Butt Size and Sattle Bags will not change the shape of these dresses, so you have to pick one of the 18 included sizes.
new fav...
this is my new fav dress. so many options and it fits like a glove!
5 Stars
This is quite a simple yet amazingly versatile dress! The color options are very nice and the shape is very form fitting and sexy! It's well worth the price! :D
Unendliche Variationen moeglich. [ ALL COLORS ]
Tube Dress - passt allen, die wie ich einen super Koerper haben uhhhhh . . . . hehehehe . .
Eine ganz bombastische, feine Arbeit die Tube Dresses.
Mein Tipp kauft gleich das komplette Set !!!
Coco Camino.
Best Mesh dress I've seen
Honestly, I've been hot on the whole mesh thing since it started,most of my Av is mesh, feet, eyes, eyelashes, hair etc...And out of all the mesh clothing I have/brought this is defiantly the best in my invent!
Friends have even asked where I got it and I sent them your way =D
Worth every L$
Thank You
I have looked for many months. For a dress that fit me. The number of sizes really helps out. The rigging is done very well. It doesn't stretch out incorrectly when you sit down. It's great!!! This creator works hard and 700L for me at least was worth the price.
AMAZING dress! Texture is really good. HD! Best dress i ever saw:) RECOMENDED!!!