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Haunted Tree House

Haunted Tree House

This piece is part of our Halloween decoration collection.

It features a menu driven size adjuster that lets you enlarge the picture or shrink it (please don't go too big or too small as it may not return to original size. I've taken it to wall sized and desktop size successfully).

Many of our newer images are now copy protected. Sadly I have had two incidents of texture theft. The work you buy will be free from watermarks!

At DragonLady Designs we offer you Amazing Artwork, profesionally framed and exquisitly detailed. Discounts for multi-themed purchases. Dragon Art, Fantasy art, Chinese art, Fine Art, Egyptian art, Japanese art, neon art & signs, photography, paintings, posters, frames, artistic rugs, ancient pottery, animated artist easels, and more.

Looking for something you don't see? Just ask! Custom work available on request.

Buy from The Marketplace or Direct. No in-world gallery at this time.

Join the in-world group ' DragonLady Designs Group' for info on upcoming news, or check my profile.

Marketplace link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/104910

Group Link: copy & paste the next line to local chat in world, then follow the link:


Thank you for your interest in DragonLady Designs.

  • Resizeable
  • Copiable