Prim Hearts Metaverse Development
Prim Hearts Metaverse Development is a virtual company owned by Sarg Bjornson, a resident in the virtual world Second Life. Sarg creates the best amusement park rides available in SL, offering a wide range of ride shapes and variations for his customers.
Helter Skelter:
A Helter Skelter is a funfair or amusement park ride with a slide built in a spiral around a high tower. Users climb up inside the tower and slide down the outside. Actually, the Prim Hearts Helter Skelter uses a teleporter to get to the top :)
Helter Skelters are a typical sight in funfairs around the world, and specially in UK amusement parks. Now you can own one of them in your property!
Basic Features:
* 2500 L$
* 54 prims (7 groups)
* Footprint is 20 x 20 meters (aprox 400 m^2 parcel).
* Copyable and Modable
* Extremely easy placement using the Rez-Faux building helper
* Sliding animations and user-controllable fall
* Teleporter to the top of the slide included with the ride
Advanced Features:
* Control your sliding speed: the Helter Skelter allows the users of the ride to control their sliding speed and turns using the arrow keys.
Visit Prim Hearts:
Most of our rides are profiled at the biggest amusement park in Second Life. Check it out, ride for free and buy any ride you want at Prim Hearts!
Prim Hearts
See item in Second Life- Rez-Faux building helper allows easy placement and rotation of the whole ride
- Includes a built-in teleporter to the top of the slide