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!Hey Kiddo! GI Joe Powerwheels (Boxed) version 1

!Hey Kiddo! GI Joe Powerwheels (Boxed) version 1

Enjoying your !Hey Kiddo! GI Joe Powerwheels is so simple even your inner child can do it. Simply rezz your Powerwheels, left click and select "Ride" . Thats it! Directions are controlled by the arrow keys. Keep in mind this is a replication of a toy car so you wont be speeding anywhere. Up arrow to go forward, down arrow to go in reverse. You can turn by going forward or reverse and selecting the left or right arrow keys. If you simply hold down the left or right arrow key you will not move (give it some gas by going forward or reverse first). This toy car is best suited for small child avs (not tinies) although you can try to talk your parent into squeezing into the passenger side seat to enjoy your driving. It is slow enough that a parent can run along side you and keep you from driving into grandmas mailbox.

  • Perfect Christmas (or birthday) gift for your little guy!
  • Its a rideable toy car so dont expect it to be fast.
  • Safe fun car for the kiddo in you!