The One Hundred Poems - Japanese woodblock books. Hyakunin Isshu, literally "One hundred people, one poem each", a Japanese style of building an anthology of Yamato uta, or poems in a particular style which has become an integral part of Japanese culture since the mid-13th century.
The poems were most often written by nobles and high functionaries at the Imperial Courts. They are very short, very polite, very Japanese – and that means expressing things indirectly and using words which, when spoken, have many different meanings. Misunderstandings were deliberate, honest fun. Emperors, pricesses, ministers, noblemen – all had to prove that they had poetic hearts. All knew the "Jargon" and how to pick words from the "lyric box of the 500 most emotional keywords".
Our collection was compiled by Fujiwara no Sadaie, more commonly known as Fujiwara Teika (1162-1241) and was published in the year 1235. The poems are about love, forbidden affairs, youth and old age (related, in typical Japanese style, to spring and autumn) and death. The Fujiwara family has always been very important in the history of Japan. In our product, we present luxuriously-bound books on wooden stands. Clicking on the book will allow you to "read" a random poem from the book. We hope you find inspiration, solace, and joy from our collection.
Note: No 6 is not a book but a scroll to wear. The scroll is also scripted and contains all 100 poems. Before you start to wear the scroll rename it with your avatar's name, So it will look like you are the person reading the poems.
Available talking books:
01 - Open book + stack - 17
02 - Open book on stand - 10
03 - Stack of 3 books - 13
04 - Single open book - 8 prims
05 - Single closed book - 5 prims
06 - Wearable scroll - 7
• Contains 100 of the best Japanese poems
• Scripted, reads a poem on touch
• Wonderful decoration
Primcount: see above
Footprint: Nan
Permissions: Copy | Modify
Animated: No
Scripted: Yes
Note: The product may consists of seperate linked parts that are not easy to align seperately. Rezzing in edit mode enables you to adjust placement while keeping the structure together.Copyrights: We decided to set a range of Hosoi Ichiba products to full Copy | Mod | Export! Please understand that the products you buy from Hosoi Ichiba are for your use only and may not be sold, resold or given away to other individuals. Selling to or giving away any Hosoi Ichiba product that is set to Export is in violation with the copyright law. Please respect the creaters time, work and creative rights. Thank you for your support.
References and designs for real life projects:
My Oriental Garden:
Japanese Villa Zenkei:
References and designing for virtual worlds:
Matsumoto Castle Complex:
Matsumoto Castle Dojo:
Japanese Lotus Farm :
Ama Diving Game:
Harusaki Onsen:
Flickr Stream: