-Multiverse Online-
- Hologram Stop Sign -
Need an amazing low prim Stop Sign to decorate your home, city or town? Multiverse Online's Low Prim Hologram Stop Sign is the answer!
Detailed and easy to use 0.5 prims in land impact!
i. Once unpacked, simply drag out the items to the ground and you are ready to Edit and reposition it as needed for your parcel :)
ii. Multiverse Online's Items are Copy Mod No Transfer so you can free resize it larger/smaller to fit your needs.
- Full Mesh design giving you an amazing low land impact..
- All items are copy mod so you can freely resize and re-texture/re-color as needed.
If you have any further questions and comments, you can contact me in-game: Theo Adonide. Also visit our home sim if you are looking to join a creative and small scale superhero/sci-fi/fantasy roleplay sim.
You could also contact me via e-mail at: admin@mvonline.info
Thanks for your support guys :)
- Theo Adonide