Welcome to the Hotel California!
Inspired by the building featured on the cover of the Eagles album Hotel California as well as the lyrics of the song. In this build you can light up a candle, hear a mission bell, you can checkout anytime you like, dance in the courtyard, in the master's chambers you can gather for a big feast and stab it with your steely knives and sip Pink Champagne in your room.
Hotel California Features:
-Both a fully furnished and unfurnished one touch rez versions of the build.
-A welcome sign in the lobby dispenses a candle to wear as well as plays a mission bell sound.
-The lobby has a desk with a guest book (just decoration) some signs related to the song and a sitting area both themed after 70's style decor.
-The Master's Chambers has a large table with a pig feast in the center. Click on the beast and it dispenses a knife to wear while you sit in the chairs with a custom made stab pose.
-Decorated courtyard for a dance to remember, a dance to forget.
-Your room features a bed, sitting area and a night stand with Pink Champagne on ice. The bucket dispenses a glass to sip on.
Simple one touch rezzing. Uses the Omega Rez Locus technology, making it easy to rez and then delete or set to lock in place.
Permissions are copy, modify, NO Transfer
Omega rez script purchased from April Heaney.
Unfurnished 223 prims
Furnished 687 prims
Available in world at the Good Stuff Eh? shop on Eventide East.
See item in Second Life