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Hover Droid Dispenser 3 Pack by Animation Station Guard, Target, Follow, Destroy! Great Pet, Great Target Practice Version 1.0

Hover Droid Dispenser 3 Pack by Animation Station  Guard, Target, Follow, Destroy! Great Pet, Great Target Practice
Hover Droid Dispenser 3 Pack by Animation Station  Guard, Target, Follow, Destroy! Great Pet, Great Target Practice
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Whether you are looking for Target Practice, a Pet Follower, or a Perimeter Security Device, the Hover Droid Dispenser can do it all!

Target Practice:
The Droid Dispenser comes in three levels (1,2, and 3).
Each Hover Droid and it's Dispenser increase in damage points, follow speed, and fire rate as the level goes higher.
Touch the Dispenser to view the Menu Dialog and choose the options you want, then deploy the Hover Droid.
Once deployed, these make great Target Practice!
You can choose how many times you want the Hover Droid to Re-Deploy after one is destroyed from within the Menu.
Each time you destroy a Hover Droid, another will disperse (if chosen).
They hover a few meters above the Dispenser at a great target height and the Hover Droid will move around to make it a harder target.

Pet Follower:
Once dispersed, you can click the Hover Droid to view the Menu Dialog for that droid.
You can choose Follow and the droid will take position behind your avatar and follow you almost anywhere*.
*Droid can not follow above 4096 meters and cannot cross SIM borders.
Once you have a droid following you, click it again to choose Guard Area and it will hover in the new location and target other avatars as they approach.

Perimeter Security Device:
Before you deploy a Hover Droid from the Dispenser, you can choose options in the Menu for it's mode*.
*Choose Group, Owner, Kill All, or Friendly from within the Mode menu.
In Group mode the Hover Droid will only attack Non Group Members (your group is safe).
In Owner mode, only the owner is safe and any other avatar will be attacked if in range.
In Kill All mode, the Hover Droid will attack all avatars in range, including you*.
*Kill All is great for setting up your own battle field with enemies that will attack you.
In Friendly mode the droid will not attack at all.
You can touch the Hover Droid after it is dispersed to change the mode at any time.

Droid Dispenser menu:

RezMax: Choose how many droids to re-deploy after one is destroyed.
RepeatOn: Droids will only re-deploy if this option is on.
LostDieOn: If on, the droid will self destruct if you are out of range (96m)*.
*This is a good option if you choose to have the droid follow you as a pet so it will clean itself up if you lose it or teleport to a new location.
Destruct: will self destruct the droid that has been deployed but will not re-deploy on, even if RepeatOn has been chosen.
ReturnHome: the droid will return to it's hover position above the Dispenser it belongs to unless you have given it a new location to guard, then it will return there.
Mode: choose Friendly, OwnerOnly, GroupOnly, or KillAll.
Deploy: will deploy the Hover Droid with the chosen settings.

Hover Droid menu:
Mode: here you can change the mode.
Follow: make it follow you around like a pet*.
*The droid will still attack others in this mode, you will want to set it to friendly in public areas.
GuardArea: you can have the droid follow you to a new location, then set it to guard that new area.
Enemies: this will display a list of nearby avatars that you can choose to have the hover droid attack (96m range).
GunStop: will stop the droid from firing and set it to friendly until you choose new options.
Destruct: self-destruct the Hover Droid.

Additional Information:
Each Hover Droid is 14 Prim and the Dispenser is 11 Prim.
so if you have all 3 of these out and operating, you will have 75 Prim active.
Each Dispenser operates on it's own channel and handles it's Hover Droid independently.
You can drag a copy of the Dispenser (because it is copy permissions) and amazingly, both dispensers will still be operating on separate channels.
*Drag as many copies as you want and each dispenser and it's droid are still independent.
If the Dispenser is moved or rotated, it will fix it's rotation and reset itself while destructing the current Hover Droid*.
*If you move the dispenser and it reset's itself, all of the options will go back to default and you will need to choose the deploy options again.
When a droid is being dispensed, a gear will move up and spin, and colored smoke will spout from the top as the droid appears.

Questions or Comments? please contact Drake Faudeburgh
Animation Station 2011

See item in Second Life
  • Destroyable Fun! Great Target Paractice.
  • 3 Pack for a variation in targets.
  • Multiple Modes allow for Follow, Guard, Target, and more!
  • Neat effects when dispursing and when destroyed.
  • Copy as many as you want to have multiple enemy targets.

L$ 500

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Particle Station - Animation Station - Gamer Station
Particle Station - Animation Station - Gamer Station
Sold by: Drake Faudeburgh

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