Hey everyone! We're super excited to present to you, The Spiked Collar!
- Unrigged
- Open Collar RLV
- Non RLV but INJOI Link Capable (Integrate your Lovense Toy)
- BOTH RLV & INJOI Link Capable (Integrate your Lovense Toy)
- Accessory Version ONLY
- 15 Collar Colors
- 4 Metals
- 34 Name Plate Options (both black & white)
*** Lovense being enabled is not included and is a separate one time purchase of the IN-JOI - The Link, for all your injoi products. ***
All of our toys and shock devices come with The Link capability.
What is The Link you may ask? It's what connects your RL Lovense toy directly to your SL.
This is what's needed to use to install that capability into one of your IN-JOI Products!
*Please note it is a one-time separate purchase!
Learn more here:
For any help you may need we have an extensive how to section in our support section of our official website.
If you still need help please feel free to join the IN-JOI Toys Discord and ask away in one of the support channels.
*** For cheaper prices shop inworld! ***
Voir l'article dans Second Life