This is a marquee style full perm mesh sign. In order to keep the land impact this low, the lettering on the sign is added to the texture. No separate letter prims are part of this sign. You must add any wording you desire to the sign texture using a photo manipulation program, or create your own separate letter prims. The item is 2 land impact at it's present size (almost a meter tall by 1.2 meters wide) but will increase in land impact if made bigger, due to the complexity of the model. Custom LODs were created to ensure the lowest land impact possible, while preserving the general shape and look of the item from a great distance.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE AGAIN - The lettering on the example sign was added in photoshop. No letter prims are included with this sign. You must add the lettering to the texture yourself.
The enclosed AO textures can be used to add shading to a texture you create by downloading the AO to your computer and overlaying it on a texture background using the photo manipulation software of your choice (such as photo shop or gimp).
The model is 3 faces on 3 textures and 1 piece of mesh. The Sign Frame, Letter Surface and Bulbs are each on different faces. You can add glow and lighting effects independently to the bulbs, as is shown in the example.
5 Full perm textures are included (Frame, Sign and Bulb AO, plus the example Lettered Sign Texture and Frame).
Please note and abide by the Terms of Service for this full perm item below:
This item is full perm as are any included textures. You may save them to your hard drive and modify them for your own use. You may include this mesh item in your own builds and sell it when used in that manner. You may not resell this mesh as a stand alone item with full perms, either with my or with remade textures. You may not resell these textures in SL or in another venue. You are not allowed to give this item away for free as is, unless it has been altered in some manner (with the addition of other elements or your own textures). You are not allowed to sell or give this item away full perm. Copy/Mod no transfer, or Mod/Trans no Copy only. You are free to include this item in your own builds and price the final product as you see fit.
- Custom LODs that keep the sign's shape and legibility at a distance
- Low land impact
Another win.
It is not a HUGE marquee, more of a cute wall art item than an actual outdoor venue marquee, but I can think of many uses for it and the value is amazing, as with everything I have purchased from this shop.
This is very nice...BUT
it is very small and when you enlarge it the prims go very high.
Fantastic product
I'm so glad to have found your MP store! This is a great little item, amazing value for money and the textures are lovely and easy to modify. Thank you! A+